
Welcome to the alert portal of Bouygues SA

Pursuant to our ethical rules and the legal provisions in force, this platform enables secure alert collection and processing as well as exchanges. This platform is accessible to all employees of Bouygues group entities (permanent or occasional) as well as external stakeholders (subcontractors, suppliers, customers, partners, etc.). 

You can also submit an alert to another Group entity by clicking here:

Make a report Access an existing report

List of case managers

Didier Casas Head of Ethics Bouygues Group
Ange-François Fantauzzi Legal Director Bouygues SA
Pascale Chance Director of Legal Affairs, Compliance and Competitive Practices Bouygues SA

Useful documentation

User guide
User guide


Your identity will remain confidential when reporting an alert and throughout the procedure to process your alert.

Each report has its own discussion system that allows messages to be sent and received. 

You will be able to track your report and communicate with the referent(s) with the confidential code that is generated by the platform when you submit your report.

Each report will be subject to rigorous analysis and a detailed internal audit.